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Dynasty of the Sands
City Builder Survival Game
Rocket Flair Studioa- Full Time - Games Programmer
July 20223 - Present
MY Contributions
User Interlace
New Feature Implementation
Animal and Herd Spawning
Tutorial System
User Experience and bug fixing
Built in - Unity
Language - C#
Veggie Villiage
Social Simulation Game

Studio Yam Ltd - Part Time - Games Programmer
Novemeber 2022 - July 20223(
MY Contributions
Created and implementer the NPC AI State Machine
Set up the day/night cycle with event listeners
Feature Design and Implementation
Designed and implemented the Quest System
Supported on story development
Built in - Unity
Language - C#
Wreck Out
Arcade Sports Game
Huey Games Ltd - Internship - Games Proggramer
June - July 2022
MY Contributions
Created a basic finite state machine to control an AI Robot
Avoids the ball and vehicles where possible
Avoids scenery and stays with in arena boundaries
Looks towards and Shoots at the ball or ball carrier
Only Active when in view and set distance away from ball
Reacts when hit by the ball
Built in - Unity
Language - C#
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